Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day!

To my Hubby,

Thank you for being such an amazing daddy to our girls. Thank you for all of your help around the house (cleaning, especially), getting up with the girls to give me an extra hour or two of sleep on the weekends, playing endless hours of "house" with Ellie when you get home from a long day of work, and helping with bedtime. I love Ellie's reaction to you after you come home from work- the smile on her face and the little legs racing to give you a hug and kiss. Thank you for your part in raising our two daughters. We make a good team!

Dear Dad,

Thank you for being my hero, my role model, and my inspiration. Thank you for showing me what family is all about- the experiences, the traditions, and the moments we spend together. Thank you for being a wonderful Pop-Pop to my girls. I love watching you and them together- dancing to "Baby Beluga," hanging out in your man cave, playing at the playground, and jumping waves at the beach. Thank you for all of it. I love you!

 Father's Day, 2013

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