Sunday, May 17, 2015

Weekend Recap + Furniture Steals

Ellie slept at my parents Friday night for the first time with her two cousins. She was so excited. Every time she talked about it she lit up. They went out to dinner and ice cream, watched a movie and had the best time. I love that the three of them are so close and that they love sleepovers at Grandmom and Pop Pop's house!

Ellie to Summer: "Summer, are you going to miss me? It's okay I will always be by your side."

Nick and I had plans to watch a movie together, but Summer didn't go down until 9:45. Nick was already asleep and I was tired myself. So, it was a pretty uneventful night. I did wake at 6:30 the next morning and went for a great 5 mile run before Summer even woke. It was nice to have a quiet house. However, we did miss Ellie even though she was only gone one night!

 I started before my watch did so it was exactly 5 miles!

I scored these chairs for $10 a pair. They were posted on Facebook and they even dropped them off to me. They need new paint and reupholstery. I just need to decide on the fabric. They are gorgeous and I absolutely love them!

Summer and I also bought this globe yesterday morning for only $20. I have been wanting to get one for the girls playroom and this was another great deal. I love the gold. I pointed out to Ellie where we live and she asked for me to show her where her Aunt Mia lives and other places I've been to.

Summer and I then met my Mom, Ellie and her cousins at a Fair. I used to go here when I was little and it's so fun I can now take my girls. Ellie was so tired from the sleepover that she fell asleep on the fire engine truck ride! We played some games and Ellie got a lemon stick. Two minutes later after this picture the candy stick got stuck in her hair. She continued to eat it without it (she loves lemons). It was a fun afternoon!

This morning I went to my Barre class, then reffed lacrosse tryouts in the afternoon (I ran 4 miles). Tonight we went out to dinner (kids eat free on Sundays). We had to stop for kids toothpaste on the way home and the girls and I walked home from there. It was a nice end to the weekend!

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