Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Photography Challenge

I received a new camera for Christmas- the Nikon D3100 digital SLR. It was the only thing I wanted and my husband surprised me with it on Christmas morning. I am obsessed with it! I taught myself the basics and I'd like to eventually take a photography class to learn all there is to learn about it, which I know is a lot! I've always loved taking pictures, but this is my first "professional" camera. Ellie has been my subject for most of my photos. I love capturing all of her faces, smiles, and movements.

I came across this photography challenge on Pinterest. For the month of February I will be taking a picture of a different item every day. I thought it would be fun to share and also help me take a variety of shots. Of course, I'll still be taking a ton of pictures of Ellie, in addition. :)

I will try to post that day's photo every night, but in reality it may be every couple of days. I'm looking forward to the first challenge!

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