We saw Santa this past week and as I predicted Summer cried and Ellie smiled. I told Ellie that she had to smile for a picture after she told Santa what she and Summer wanted. When she asked why I told her so that Santa could look at her picture and remember that she wanted a dollhouse. She bought it and conversed him well before smiling for her picture. This girl makes me laugh! I love that she hopped right up on his knee and told him what they wanted with confidence.
I dressed them in their Holiday outfits. Ellie loved twirling in her dress!
Friday my friend Melanie and her daughter, Madelyn, came over for a painting play date. Melanie is a pro at handprint and footprint art. I have been wanting to do some for the Holidays and the girls hadn't played together in a while so it was a perfect day. Here are two of our gifts:

Saturday my friend Jen and her son, Cash, had us over for a Holiday mommy/child party. I wish I snapped some pictures of her beautifully decorated house. I was impressed when she said she didn't hire anyone to decorate. The food and drink stations were very festive and she had a craft table set up for the kids. Ellie was in car heaven as there was every electronic car to ride- fire engine, cars, and a train. She played with the other kids and I was able to catch up with friends and enjoy the most delicious Mommy cocktail. Summer stayed home with my husband and it was nice to spend one on one time with Ellie. Jen also has her own cake pop business called Sweet Details. I tried one for the first time. It was the most amazing cake pop I have ever tasted. I've been craving them ever since. If you are local you must think of her for your next party! Check out her website
here. The red ones were red velvet on the inside. Yum!!
The weather was beautiful this weekend so after the party Nick and I took the girls to the playground and I ran with Summer. After we put the girls to bed my parents came over so we could have a date night. Sushi and wine at our favorite sushi restaurant, Ooka.
My husband and I both switched up our regular orders and tried something new. He got a sampler, which was amazing and I tried two new rolls. Both delicious.
Summer got her follow-up flu shot on Tuesday. She must have not felt well from it because since her appointment she did not nap in her crib all week! Needless to say it was a rough week on all of us. Luckily, she was sleeping well at night still. She finally napped in her crib this morning and she was a happy baby the rest of the day. Happy baby = happy mommy!
Tonight I am listening to Christmas music and starting to wrap gifts. I love wrapping so I am looking forward to this. Tomorrow I have a few last minute errands to run before Christmas Eve.
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