Saturday, May 31, 2014

Training Update

It's 5:15 a.m on Saturday and I am awake for a run. I set 3 different alarms to make sure I got up, but Summer woke me at 4:50 instead to nurse. She did that yesterday morning, too, and I had planned to run. I went back to sleep "for just 20 more minutes" and never woke up again until Ellie was standing next to my bed at 7:00. So I'm up and I'm going running after I drink my coffee. My husband is out all day today for a workshop so if I don't get my run in early it won't happen. That's been the theme the past couple weeks. I realized I need to get myself out of bed early to workout because it's very unlikely I will have the time or energy to do it later in the day.

Sunday, May 25th: P90x-Cardio
Tuesday, May 27th: 6:00 a.m 3.5 mile run (I felt so good during this run and it was perfect weather!)
Thursday, May 29th: Kettle bell class
Saturday, May 31st: 3.5 mile run

On Thursday I took a class using kettle bells- something I had never done before because I never knew how to use them correctly. I loved the class and hope to go back again soon. The class was during the day so my mother in law came over to watch the girls. I am still very sore. The instructor's motto is "mind, body, spirit" so during the class we practiced our headstands. I have never done one on my own before, but after a few tries I was able to get up by myself (using the wall). I did it for Ellie when I got home and maybe one day I'll be able to do it without any assistance.

Next week I'd like to run more than 2 days a week. I'm hoping I can exercise 5 days a week. I have been trying to snack on healthier foods like watermelon and roasted Brussels Sprouts. Tomorrow I am going to meal plan for the week and I have a delicious chickpea salad recipe I have been making and will share the recipe.

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